Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The bar that I work at, Cin Cin in the Eldorado Hotel Casino (Find us on FB), is one of a kind in our local market. Most Casino bars are the dime a dozen type with all sorts of premixed concoctions spewing out of gun. You are fortunate to find a bartender who can properly make a Manhattan.
Although many of our Bartenders at Eldorado have great personalities and are a ton of fun to gamble in front of, they are lacking in basic bar knowledge. With this being said, the average patron really only orders and beer and a shot for their free cocktail earned from playing a little cash.
So what came first here? The less than knowledgeable bartender or the patron who could care less about what they are drinking? And more importantly, why does it matter?
(You know I am going to tell you why) Because the times, they are a' changing my friends. Quality in concept is only beginning to flourish in our humble little market. We are a far cry from New York, Portland and SF trends. But despite our lack of savvy, we are coming around.
You see the trends spilling in from the coast, obviously being on the West Coast, we feel the flame from SF and Sac the quickest, but with this revolutionary little thing called the Internet, trends are popping in from all over the world as long as there is someone there who is willing to deliver them. With that being said, the bartender who knows nothing of the classics, or has no interest in learning will be left in the dust by a rapidly growing concept that appreciates all the wonder and beauty that liquor has to offer.
Now, is the general population on board with the idea of change?
NEVER! first...
But then, suddenly as if the entire population is smacked over the head simultaneously, everyone wakes up. And I have 20 somethings pouring into the bar asking for my newest creation, asking what I could make with watermelon or even talking about the properties of artisan Gins and small batch Bourbons. They are appalled that we only carry one label of wine and that we don't have any craft beers on tap.
BAM!!! It hits the ground running and there is no stopping it now. Like a fire, the concept will burn hot and fast until it begins to simmer itself out. I believe that Reno is just on the edge of this, right about to go up in flames and I intend to keep one step ahead of the heat and keep tossing kindling over my shoulder while I continue to run for my life. Eventually the trend, like all others, will die down, change and be reborn.
Right now, I am literally living my dream of creating something worthwhile, something impactful and meaningful in my own spectrum. While you may say, hey its not brain surgery, which I of coarse agree with, but it is something. I feel the surge of excitement that only comes from seeing your ideas begin to take hold, the feeling you get when other people finally begin to see the light that you have been shining.
Not gunna lie, it feels good and what's better than the initial surge, is knowing that it will continue. Knowing that other like-minded individuals will be coming out of the wood work---  other bars are being born, or recognized for what they have been trying to do. I am no longer alone!
That, for me, is the high point. Being back in a community of Bartenders who give a shit. It fills the gap that I have been feeling since I left Sacramento.
I have been trying to get a Chapter of the United States Bartenders' Guild started here in Reno for almost two years, with little to no interest. And now finally, the concept has become relevant in my market--- Fabulous!
So now, here I sit, in over my head, running around recruiting members to join this rapidly growing and evolving group. It's all very exciting. Pictures in the paper, name on Best Bartender Lists, my FB blowing up with Bartenders who want to be a part of this.
I feel a sense of accomplishment and a sense of duty to get this shit done right and to keep diligently at it. I will be working night and day to keep this ship afloat and to bring as many people on board as possible. In Reno, we will be skipping the elitist bullshit attitude and just trying to include as many people and bars as possible There is room for every type of concept, every type of bartender. The networking and feeling a part of something is much more important than the who knows what game. Join us, and help Reno become all that we want it to be!

If you are interested in joining the USBG... checkout for more information on how to become a member.

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